Dry food: Sprinkle powder directly on dry food or add a small amount of water to help ‘stick’ to food, stir, and serve.
Moist, canned food: Stir powder down into moist food, canned food, or tuna juice & serve.
*This powder tends to be given with food. It can be given to your pet in several different ways, such as pouring dose into food bowl by itself, as long as the recommended dose is fed to your pet daily.
Give ¼ Teaspoon for every 10 pounds of body weight daily. Start with very small amounts in each meal and increase the amount over 4-5 days to desired serving size to allow the body to adjust to the new fish oil.
*Your veterinarian may recommend other feeding suggestions or even higher daily amounts. Please consult your health care team for additional feeding instructions.
Does your pet not like fish or fish-based food? Has your pet eaten the same type of food for a very long time? Is your pet “addicted” to people food or treats?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then it may take several tries before he or she becomes used to something different and you may need to ‘hide’ the powder in food or treats.
Refrigeration will significantly reduce the fish smell which can be very helpful, since dogs and cats have such keen sense of smell.
Consider mixing the powder in canned pumpkin (a healthy, natural fiber source), yogurt, low fat peanut butter, fat free cream cheese, or place inside a bread ball, pill pocket, or other tasty treat.
Please note: There is deliberately no added flavoring – just clean, natural fish, and blueberries. Many pets with skin and ear infections related to underlying allergies may be sensitive or react to flavorings, such as beef or pork, which are the most common sources for human and pet gelatin capsules or are added to other pet fish oil products.